The Gerações da Talha Story

NaTalha Branco

The winery GERAÇÕES DA TALHA is located in Vila de Frades and dates from the XVIII century. It is a place of traditions and knowledge of generations that has been bringing and perfecting the so magnificent Vinho da Talha (Talha Wine).

This winery was acquired by Francisco Nogueira Anacleto, who inherited and masterfully passed on the art and wisdom of creating wine to the generations that followed it. A tradition that was embraced with great passion by his son-in-law, Professor Arlindo Maria Ruivo, who has dedicated his life to this precious and unique nectar that is the “Talha Wine”, as well as, by his children and grandchildren, who were seized by this millenary knowledge and whose generations boosted the project GERAÇÕES DA TALHA.

This is a project that was born to praise, affirm and maintain the genuine production of talha wine that has persisted for more than 2 millennia and is well evidenced in the cellars and people of the land.

Gerações da Talha Wines

NaTalha is a wine that respects the ancestral method of vinification in clay pot and arises from a new awareness of the producer. Through the intense search for what nature gives us, a new life also grew within it during the production of this wine. Her entire pregnancy and childbirth were experienced as naturally as possible.

Farrapo is a wine that perfectly mirrors the talha wine for the inhabitants of Vila de Frades. It is a “well dressed” wine with good structure and that represents all the lessons that our great-grandfather passed on to his grandfather Arlindo, who in turn taught the new generations.

Gerações da Talha


NaTalha Branco, Alentejo


NaTalha Tinto, Alentejo
Farrapo Tinto, Alentejo